Friday, March 28, 2008

A Strange Journey...

I start from home
To a place unknown
Near or far
Is also not known.

I take the way
My heart that tells
Like path of waves
Takes the shells.

I wish not to stop
I fear no storm
But deep in my mind
I see a seed born.

The seed of doubt
Grows very fast
Asks me to go back home
Or I will regret at last.

Within just five steps
In this fresh air
I wont let my hope
Turn to despair.

With this thought
I took step sixth
The seed what had told
I prove is a myth.

I took steps fast
I thought no thought
In soil of courage
The seed was rot.

I walk I rejoice
I listen to sweet sounds
No place I aim
I have no bounds.

I feel so happy
This is like heaven
The journey is about
Writing my first POEM!!


Krishna Prashanth said...

Sometimes , down the roadway
I see a little boy
writing stories on brick walls
and a heart full of joy.

Sometimes at the grocers'
I see a lovely lass
flaunting all her jewelry
and all the money she has

Sometimes on the blogger
I read a lovely song
and the world goes all silent
but the words stay all along!

AA said...

Hey KP..This poem could not get a better compliment from you...Thanks a lot for the Poetic comment!!